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吾日三省吾身 印媒又开始细数那些甩印度几条街的中国科技了

来源:网络整理 作者:采集侠 人气: 发布时间:2020-02-09
摘要:大概对于印度来说,中国就是那个看不惯又干不掉让人牙痒痒的邻居家孩子。 在问答社区Quora上,曾有人发问,为啥印度人老爱和中国比?印度网友的回答



  Its not that India is always compared to China , its just that we tend to compete knowingly or unknowingly.



  Hence there are just about comparisons everywhere due to the close proximity that both countries share. However theres a lot that India needs to learn from China in terms of manufacturing, resource allocation and managemnet , capacity building etc.


  ▲ via Quora/Samuel Nitin, Indian


  India is not comparable country with china nowadays, China is very far from India. India can’t touch it.



  There is lots to say about China, its quality of lifestyle is far higher than India.


  Only ISRO did well and it is great honor to India, scientist worked hard to achieve this. Only Private sectors improving India not Government, Government collecting TAX that’s all.


  In India, Government officers, policemen and Politicians are richer than business persons.


  ▲ via Quora/Rakesh Belliappa


  It is not just China, Indians have this inherent ability to compare anything and everything in life.


  To point out I had lost the count, number of times my friends comparing benefit of eating with hands over eating with fork and knife. Interestingly we Indians don't compare that with the chopsticks.


  I believe this comparing business is to massage the ego and trying to prove the sense of superiority.


  ▲ via Quora/Isaac A Christopher, former Manaran and Manaran Company


  这两天,印度权威媒体《印度时报》就又发布了一篇文章,列举了15项中国甩了印度几条街的科技(15 Ways China Is Becoming A Pioneer In Technology, Leaving India & Rest Of World Far Behind),希望能借此鞭挞印度人奋起直追。

  1. 在月球上种棉花


  图 via 新华网 

  In January this year, China became the first country to ever land a spacecraft on the far side of the Moon. Not satisfied with that achievement, they also proceeded to try to grow crops there as part of an experiment. And the country successfully managed to cultivate in airtight canisters in the microgravity environment.


  2. 建立社会信用体系


  图 via 新华网

  It actually awards each citizen points based on their credit rating, social contributions, and more, and penalizes people that commit crimes, or speak out against the government. That score in turn is used to gatekeep their access to travel tickets, loans, permits, and more.


  3. 蟑螂垃圾处理厂

  图 via Indiatimes

  This one is pretty cool and pretty gross too. China faces a serious air pollution problem, so waste management companies have to find alternatives to burning garbage. They've done this by setting up cockroach plants, where about a billion of the insects scarf down about 50 tonnes of kitchen waste daily. Dead roaches are also ground down and used as a source of protein.


  4. 空间太阳能电站

  图 via 新华网

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